

Strong communities with ability to control resources for their sustainable development.



Strengthen the ability of the communities to identify, manage and control available resources for their sustainable development.



Capacitate and empower rural communities in North Western part of Tanzania on sustainable development without any kind of prejudice.

years of

About Us

Brief history of MAVUNO`s work

MAVUNO Improvement for Community Relief and Services is a Non-Governmental Organization that was established by rural Community People in 1993 for the purpose of improving their livelihood through using modern techniques of farming and care for the environment.The organization was registered in the United Republic of Tanzania the year 1999 under Societies Ordinance vide registration number SO.10132.

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Mavuno Project Karagwe

Core Values

The organization’s practice and behavior is guided by a set of values. These values were developed by the key stakeholders of the workshop during the strategic planning process. In the pursuit of its chosen mission, MAVUNO is uphold the following values and principles in the way we work, relate to each other including our beneficiaries and various partners. The values and principles grounded in the organization’s plans include:

Fairness and

MAVUNO strives to maintain the highest degree of professionalism, respect, honest and fairness in dealing with the public and all stakeholders. Everyone coming into contact with MAVUNO is assured of a fair treatment being a staff, an associate, beneficiaries or any other stakeholder.

Human Dignity

Each person is essential to sustainable development. The dignity of each person is reflected in the objectives and activities of MAVUNO. The right of each person to participate fully in the society, to be respected, to have adequate food and housing, to have the opportunity to get education and to develop her/his talents is inherent to each person.

Commitment and
Hard Work

MAVUNO is committed to providing highly effective and efficient services to all vulnerable groups in North western part of Tanzania within its mandate and values. We put the community interest first in all what we do.

Teamwork and
Innovativeness participation

MAVUNO encourages innovation in solving problems and seizing of the opportunities, is committed to work together as a team and together with all stakeholders to arrive to coherent and effective program of action. This STRATEGIC PLAN seeks to bring strengthened engagements with the government at micro and meso level to ensure that ownership and sustainability plans are well absorbed by the local government authorities to sustain the investment and change that has been put into people’s lives and upscale the results for greater impact.

Transparency and

MAVUNO maximizes its service capability through responsible stewardship of all entrusted resources manages them with transparency and accountability towards the various stakeholders.